Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Do Something Extraordinary"

Cabrini is a very small catholic college that is right next to Eastern University.  When i say right next to Eastern i LITERALLY mean they're basically in the same place.  Two days ago my friend Casey and I decided to mosey on over to check out some of the hills they have on campus.  Another reason why i love blogging about longboarding is to get people interested in trying it, which is exactly what happened with Casey.  Casey has never longboarded before so i decided to bring back one of my old boards to school so that she could try it.  We had an awesome time and she also was a natural at it.  Cabrini does have a lot of nice winding steep hills, but it's not really worth getting hit by car.  The roads at Cabrini constantly have cars zooming by.  So if i'm going to recommend that you go out and try these hills, just let me say shred at your own risk.  Some of the hills were also very narrow leaving little space to carve.  If you just like going straight down hills with no carving these hills are definitely for you.  A lot of the hills on campus also have a winding shape to them making them very fun and unique to cruise on.  Their parking lots also have a nice straight down hills that are smooth and perfect, just watch out for the speed bumps.

Casey Barker

To wrap it all up i would have to give Cabrini college a 7 out of 10 on their hills, a 6 out of 10 for the quality of roads, a 4 out of 10 for automobiles and other hazards, and a 7 out of 10 overall.  I wouldn't really recommend Cabrini for beginner longboarders just because of how steep and narrow some of the hills are.  If you were to board Cabrini as a beginner i would recommend cruising the parking lots there.  Cabrini is awesome to Shred go ChEcK it OUT!! 

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